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VeMMA產品系列: Verve 運動有氧飲料廣告 巴士 , 很酷喔!!!

Verve 運動有氧飲料廣告 巴士 , 很酷喔!!!       希望台灣也有這麼健康形象的巴士!!!


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NBA 鳳凰城太陽隊指定Vemma為球員使用的營養補充品!!

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美商維瑪 VEMMA 台灣分公司是經過公交會報備核可通過的合法企業喔!!!


傳銷事業報備名單 >>>已完成報備名單  http://lxfairap.ftc.gov.tw/ftc/report/report_13.jsp

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賀! VEMMA在馬來西亞上報了!!

在這裡我只想告訴您我們的品牌Vemma 維瑪上報了。
它登在最近8月28號的Utusan Malaysia,

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VeMMA維瑪新聞~ 歡迎非洲加入VEMMA全球版圖


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新 加坡總部 >>>

Vemma Asia/Singapore / Brunei / Indonesia
Blk 1004, Toa Payoh North,

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超級好消息~ VEMMA 全力贊助 NBA 球場直擊, 果然是追求卓越的瘋子...全場包了啦~~~花哈哈哈哈哈



哇塞.. 老闆包下了NBA!!

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美商VEMMA全球各地分公司 電話.地址 資訊


美商VEMMA全球各地分公司 電話.地址 資訊

Vemma Nutrition Company

8322 East Hartford Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
View the map

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VeMMA - How It's Made


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VEMMA的獎金之外 還有Vemmabuilder的系統獎金!!



第一名: 750美元
第二名: 500美元
第三名: 300美元
4 – 10名 : 每位200美元

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Based on two peer reviewed clinical studies, conducted by the independent Brunswick Laboratories,

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vemma翻譯資料-02.Know Your Website 認識你的網站


Know Your Website

The 2 websites you should all be very familiar with are:

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vemma翻譯資料-01.Activate Your Website 啟動你的網站


Activate Your Website

When you upgrade to Member with Vemma you get 2 websites. One is your Vemmabuilder Opportunity Website, the other is a Free Website from the Corporation.

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Vemma®是一家家庭式運作並且採取家庭價值觀的公司,由 New Vision® 的創建者創建;母公司是一家擁有 10 年歷史的衛生健康行業卓越的領先企業,具有超過 10 億的零售總額和超過 100 萬的滿意客戶。 New Vision 是一家經營穩健、信譽良好的公司,在網路行銷行業擁有極高聲譽。總部設在亞利桑那州的 Scottsdale。公司還在亞利桑那州的 Tempe 設立了效率極高的分銷中心和經許可的藥物液體生產工廠。在這一行業中,第一年失敗的新公司超過 90%,五年內超過 98%。而今天,New Vision 正在慶祝成功盈利十周年。給人印象更深的是,New Vision 已經為成員支付了 4 億美元的傭金,並且從未延誤過版稅支票的支付或承諾。

BK Boreyko 和他的姐妹 Karen 與 Lauren 共同擁有 New Vision 和 Vemma。做為成功的網路行銷商 Ben 和 Dottie Boreyko 的子女,毫無疑問,公司的創建者們就在這個行業長大。BK 七歲時就開始在父母的安麗業務中幫忙。18 歲時,他自己的安麗經銷公司就達到了 PS Direct 級別。BK 和他的家人繼續打拼,成為 Matol Botanical 的收入最高的分銷商,月收入最高時超過了 35 萬美元。30 歲剛出頭,他就和家人一起成立了一家下一代網路行銷公司—並命名為 New Vision。帶著母親給他們的力量和勇氣(他們的母親去年因癌症去世),他們的使命非常簡單:從身體上和財務上提高家庭生活的品質。幾個月之內,《成功雜誌》就宣傳了新公司以移動現場指導的“火箭船”式動力所取得的空前進步。之後不久,由於公司的多項創新和突出貢獻,BK 獲得了亞利桑那州享有盛譽的 Ernst and Young Entrepreneur 年度獎。

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Your body is a sponge ...


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VEMMA™, A Ground Floor Opportunity

Backed By a Global Health and Wellness Leader

Vemma™ is a brand new, ground-floor opportunity from the creators of New Vision®, a 10-year old international leader in health and wellness, with over $1 billion in total retail sales.  Vemma™ is your opportunity to create a life of wealth and happiness with the security of a successful industry powerhouse behind you.  Vemma™ is the end result of investing lessons learned over the past 10 years into the perfect opportunity for the next 10 years and beyond.

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Vemma blends the most recent science and nature's finest to form a complete and delicious once-a-day liquid supplement that provides you with everything you need and more to kick your health and energy levels into overdrive.

Developed by a physician with a background in both Eastern and Western medicine, Vemma unites the antioxidant-rich power of mangosteen - a fruit used for centuries by Asian health practitioners for its nutritional benefits - with rich plant-source minerals, organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and decaffeinated organic green tea along with a full spectrum of antioxidant vitamins to create the most powerful liquid antioxidant nutrition program anywhere!

The Vemma Nutrition Program™ consists of Essential Minerals® and Mangosteen Pllus™.  We believe so strongly in this combination that we offer a 100% money-back, risk-free, empty-bottle guarantee.  While there are many juice products on the market to choose from today, most offer very little in terms of critical vitamins and minerals.  So why take a juice product and a vitamin/mineral supplement? With Vemma, you get it all!

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Vemma™ gives you the leverage to take back your life!

It's amazing how some people can go through life trying to earn their income through 100% of their efforts. When you stop and think about it, virtually everything else in your life exists through a team effort. You didn't build your home, design your car or even create the computer you're reading this on. You leveraged other people's talents and efforts to design your life. Now you can stop trying to do everything yourself by working so hard and start working smarter. We'll show you how to put this powerful model to work for you!

We want you to put that same leverage concept to work for you when it comes to your income potential. Whether you want the opportunity to earn a little extra income to help pay off your bills or build a career through a solid home-based business, with Vemma™ and VemmaBuilder™ you can be your own boss! Vemma's lucrative two SuccessLine™ compensation plan can help you get there.

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