


Vemma blends the most recent science and nature's finest to form a complete and delicious once-a-day liquid supplement that provides you with everything you need and more to kick your health and energy levels into overdrive.

Developed by a physician with a background in both Eastern and Western medicine, Vemma unites the antioxidant-rich power of mangosteen - a fruit used for centuries by Asian health practitioners for its nutritional benefits - with rich plant-source minerals, organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and decaffeinated organic green tea along with a full spectrum of antioxidant vitamins to create the most powerful liquid antioxidant nutrition program anywhere!

The Vemma Nutrition Program™ consists of Essential Minerals® and Mangosteen Pllus™.  We believe so strongly in this combination that we offer a 100% money-back, risk-free, empty-bottle guarantee.  While there are many juice products on the market to choose from today, most offer very little in terms of critical vitamins and minerals.  So why take a juice product and a vitamin/mineral supplement? With Vemma, you get it all!

Remember...if it doesn't say Vemma, it's just juice. 


Vemma Nutrition Program 
2 bottles of Vemma, 32 oz Premixed - a 30-day supply for 1 person. 
This package qualifies you to earn the Sponsor Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, and the Customer Bonus! 
$92.00 USD


Asia Basic Builder Package 
4 Vemma Premix packs - a 30-day supply for 4 people. 
This package qualifies you to earn the Sponsor Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, Customer Bonus, Team Building Bonus, Consistency Bonus, Matching Bonuses, Global Bonus Pools, One Time Rank Advancement Rewards, and allows you the opportunity to earn up to $156,000 per year ($3,000 per week) in Cycle Bonuses! Your Autoship order will be for a two pack, 32 oz Vemma Premix. 
$368.00 USD


Asia Silver Builder Pack 
6 Vemma Premix packs - a 30-day supply for 6 people. Automatic qualification to the rank of Silver Leader. 
This package qualifies you to earn the Sponsor Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, Customer Bonus, Team Building Bonus, Consistency Bonus, Matching Bonuses, Global Bonus Pools, One Time Rank Advancement Rewards, and allows you the opportunity to earn up to $520,000 per year ($10,000 per week) in Cycle Bonuses! Your Autoship order will be for a two pack, 32 oz Vemma Premix. 
$552.00 USD


Asia Ultimate Builder Pack 
15 Vemma Premix packs - a 30-day supply for 15 people. Automatic qualification to the rank of Gold Leader. 
This package qualifies you to earn the Sponsor Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, Customer Bonus, Team Building Bonus, Consistency Bonus, Matching Bonuses, Global Bonus Pools, One Time Rank Advancement Rewards, and allows you the opportunity to earn up to $1,300,000 per year ($25,000 per week) in Cycle Earnings and unlimited earnings in the other areas of income with the Vemma Dual Line Compensation Plan. Your Autoship order will be for a two pack, 32 oz Vemma Premix. 
$1380.00 USD




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